Updated: September 2024
Sitges Hospital

Sitges Hospital, Medical & Emergency Guide

A guide to medical and other emergency services available in Sitges

Sitges Hospital, Medical & Emergency Services

The area’s hospital (including for maternity and emergencies) is Hospital Sant Camil, just outside Sant Pere de Ribes. The address is Hospital Residència Sant Camil, Rda. de Sant Camil, s/n, 08810 Sant Pere de Ribes  (less than 10mins from Sitges by car) Tel: 93 896 00 25

Services Available at Sant Camil

Accident & Emergency
Anesthesia & Pain Clinic
Breast Pathology
Care for Ostomy patients
Clinical & Pathological Analysis Lab 
Diagnostic Imaging

Endocrinology and Nutrition
General and digestive surgery
General care
Gynecology & Obstetrics

Infectious diseases
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Internal Medicine

Oncohematological Day Hospital
Orthopedic Surgery & Traumatology
Otorhinolaryngology & Maxillofacial Surgery
Palliative Care Unit
Pediatric Surgery
Psychosocial Care Team (EAPS)
Rapid Diagnostic Unit (UDR)
Residence for elderly
Social Work
Walk-in Surgery Unit (UCSI)

Otorhinolaryngology & Maxillofacial Surgery
Palliative Care Unit
Pediatric Surgery
Psychosocial Care Team (EAPS)
Rapid Diagnostic Unit (UDR)
Residence for elderly
Social Work
Walk-in Surgery Unit (UCSI)

There is a specialist children’s hospital in Barcelona called Sant Joan de Deu. If the local hospital decides your child has a serious problem, they may have them moved here. As it’s only a 30 min drive from Sitges, some parents decide to go directly here if their child has a serious issue. 

Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Address: Pg. de Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona Hospital phone number (also see emergency numbers at the top of this page): 932532100

Public clinic: (Centro de Asistencia Primaria, or CAP). Address: C/ Camí dels Capellans, s/n  08870 Sitges. Tel: 938947578 (main switchboard) / 933268901 (appointments) Mon to Sun: 08:00h to 20:00h.

Online appointments: If you already have your CatSalut card you can get an appointment online here 

For how to get your medical card and/or be assigned a doctor, see getting official documents

Private Clinics:

Centre Medic Sitges Address: Carrer d’Espalter, 16, 08870 Sitges. Tel: 938 94 46 05 (Dr Roig reportedly speaks English)

Policlinic Sitges Address: C/Francesc Gumà, 25 08870 Sitges (Down street opposite train station) Tel: 93 894 95 95 M-F: 8:00 to 21:00 | Sat: 9:00-14:00 (Dr Fernández, Dr Luisa Armenter Ramos and Dr Mar Ferre reportedly speak English)

The Mossos d’Esquadra are run by the Catalan government. They work on serious crime such as violent muggings, assault, terrorism & also issues that go beyond the borders of Sitges. The Policia local are run by the town hall and cover petty theft, parking infringements, violations of local bylaws, etc.

Mossos d’Esquadra. The station is next to Carrefour Market on Carrer la Devesa in Sitges and is open 24hrs. Call 112 for emergencies or 93 657 17 00 for other incidents or enquiries. This is the place to go to report attacks, robberies, etc.

Policia Local. The station is at Carrer Samuel Barrachina, Sitges 08870 (near the public swimming pool). Call 938110016. This is the place for complaints about noise from neighbours, a car blocking the street, etc. 

Mossos and Policia Local

Social Security Number

Note there is a numero de la seguridad social and a numero de afiliacion a la seguridad social. The first one can be applied for by anyone residing in Spain and is simply an identification number. The first one automatically becomes the second one once you are contributing to the system, or the dependant of someone who is, or if you have some other right to be part of the system (eg pregnant women or minors who are not dependants of a person with a right to social security).

If you have a contract of employment or are registered as self employed you should already have a SS number, in which case you can go directly to get your CatSalut card (see below). 

If you need a social security number (just the ID number) for any other reason, you can get one online using a certificado digital, by going here  and selecting ‘solicitar el numero de seguridad social’.

If you don’t yet have a certificado digital you can request a social security number by downloading and completing form TA-1, available here  and then sending it via the enviar solicitud form available here (the page asks you to submit pictures of both sides of your Certificado de Registro or ‘green NIE’, however, elsewhere it’s stated that you can apply using your passport. As the system will only accept 2 uploads, you can try uploading your passport page twice instead!)

Health Card (CatSalut Card)

What is it? The card that entitles you to taxpayer funded health care in Spain. In Catalunya, it says ‘CatSalut’ on the front. You are entitled to one if you have a work contract or are self employed in Spain, or if you are a dependant of someone who does. You can also get one if you are pregnant or under 18 and are not a dependant of a person who is working. 

How to get it. You must first get your certificado de empadronamiento and it must be less than 3 months old. You can get your card in person or online. In both cases the card will be sent to your home. 

In person

This is done at the Centro de Asistencia Primaria (CAP) in Sitges (click link for location). Take your passport or EU ID card and your certificado de empadronamiento with you. You will need to fill out the request form they will give you when you get there.


Go here and fill out your details. The system will check whether you have obtained your certificado de empadronamiento within the last 3 months.

Private Health Insurance

Some of those recommended by our members include:

Online Options: 

Duty Pharmacies

Thanks to Farmacia Torrents for providing us with the duty pharmacy rota. Click images to enlargen, or zoom in on mobile/tablet.

Note: the duty pharmacies in Vilanova and Sant Pere have a 24hr duty shift, whereas the ones in Sitges operate only from 0900-2300 when it’s their turn on the rota. For Vilanova and Sant Pere, the 24hrs starts from 9am on the date shown, and finishes at 9am the following day.






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