Updated: September 2024
Sitges Schools

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Schools Guide


Types of Schools

These options teach predominantly in Catalan. However, feedback from non-Spanish/Catalan speaking families who send their children to Catalan schools  generally indicates their children end up speaking fluent Spanish as well as Catalan.

An escola concertada is an independent school run by a religious order, which charges a reduced fee because it is subsidised by the government. In Sitges, the escola concertada is called Escola Pia. It is not overtly religious, nor does it require its students to be. 

The free schools or Escolas Lliures follow their own curriculum, although this is usually approved by the Catalan government (as is the case with La Serra, in Sant Pere). There may be elements of Montessori, Waldorf or other approaches. Teaching at our local options is predominantly in Catalan. Often, there is a cooperative feel, heavily involving parents.

International schools follow the national curriculum of another country. In Sitges, the options are British and French (there are American options in Barcelona, too). At secondary level, British schools follow the standard British format (GCSE and A-levels) and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB). Some allow children to take Spanish national qualifications as well. 

School Enrolment


There are two stages: the pre-enrolment (Preinscripció) and, once you know which school your child has been assigned, the enrolment (Matricula)

The preinscripció involves filling out an online form (which will include student details, where you live, what your preferred choice of school(s) is, etc) and scanning the right documents (see paperwork, below).

In 2023 the period for preinscripció is :

  • Pre-primary (Educación infantil) (3-6 yrs) & Primary (educación primaria) (6-11yrs) 6th – 20th March
  • Secondary (Educación secundaria obligatoria) (11-16yrs):  8th- 20th March
  • A-level equivalent/6th form: (Bachillerato) (16yrs)  20th- 26th April

There is then a period where school assignations are announced, and where parents can dispute the assignation if they are not happy with the result

Enrolment (Matrícula:)

  • Educación infantil, educación primaria & educación secundaria obligatoria: 20th – 28th June
  • Bachillerato (16yrs) 22nd June to 3rd July


The online application process can be found here. In order to proceed with the online application, it is necessary to have an digital ID, such as the certificado digital. For this particular process, you can also use IDCAT, the Catalan digital ID system,  which can be obtained online here, so long as you have your TIE/NIE, your Spanish social security card, and a mobile phone number.

You can also do it in person at the municipal office in Sitges (near Lidl and Aldi) at C/ De las Pruelles núm. 2. Polígono Industrial  Mas Alba (Call 93 811 42 55 M-F 0830-14.00 or email educació@sitges.cat)

The paperwork required at various stages of the process is generally as follows:

  • EU Passport and/or ID card of the child and a parent or guardian (if not, then non-EU passport and TIE)
  • Copy of EU birth certificate or an officially translated non EU birth certificate
  • Certificado de empadronamiento 
  • Vaccine record (having only some or none of the recommended injections is not currently a bar to entering a school in Spain, but it does usually have to be recorded)


Most of the international schools will take a new student at any time of the year if they have a place available. Usually, current students are asked to confirm their attendance for the following September’s new academic year by April. If there is a waiting list for a particular year group, schools will decide which new students can be offered a place from May onwards.


Most international schools operate a similar process for admissions, which includes:

  • Enquiry
  • School Visit
  • Fill out Application 
  • Assessment and/or Interview
  • Offer of a place
  • Submit admissions documentation and pay enrolment fee

The admissions documentation will typically include passports of the parents and student, references from a previous school (if applicable), and a health record, 

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